10 Critical Success Clues

Anthony Robbins
I must not be a gypsy fortune teller adventure to tell your fortune. I can say with 95% certainty whether a person is (or will be) successful.
All I need is 20 minutes of conversation or some email exchanges and I know. It is easy to do. You can do it too. If! Actually you can predict whether someone will have the success they say they want. Better yet, you can know whether you will succeed or not.
The best part of checking to see if it will be a success is that you do not have to “beat around the bush” in a conversation to discover the clues, as you would normally have to do with the other person. Worse check with yourself is running against an absolute liar. Yes, he will try to deceive you. Now that you are warned about this, you can look out for their attempts to hide (or away from) the truth about himself.
So if you want to predict the future of everyone, including yourself, here are the ten most critical clues you need to find and specify:
1- attitude

2 Intention

3- Subject

4- passion

5- plan

6. Resolve

7- responsibility

8 words

9. actions

Let’s take a look at each.
It is the attitude of a winner and a loser’s attitude. Most people have a mixture of both.
The attitude of a winner is characterized by a strong self-esteem, a positive attitude towards life, a general feeling of gratitude, a feeling of great personal destiny, willingness to learn and the willingness to do what is necessary.
Losers have low self-esteem, a negative (say realistic) view of life, a general feeling of resentment about the trials and tribulations of life, a sense of impending negative fate, stubbornness that “they” know “and bad -POWER or self-discipline.
In general, things with intent, expected results and produce things without specific intent produce unexpected results.
It is my experience that most people think, say and do most things in life, without any conscious intention and specific. I want to ask people (and especially) the following clarifying questions:
What is your intent in holding that belief?
What is your intention to think this way?
What is your intention to do what you do?
Most can not answer. Winners can. More importantly, the winners are always asking, “What is my expected result for this chosen action, thought or way of being?”.
This is so simple it is almost ludicrous … a life without defined and stated purpose is a life endless and pointless.
Winners have a purpose. Losers do not. Winners of living a life with purpose and “objective”. Losers live accidentally; victims of circumstance instead of creators of circumstance. The sooner succinct and true purpose of your life is written sooner to find success, happiness and fulfillment.
important caveat: your goal does not have to be altruistic or measure up to anyone’s standards except your own. It can be quite selfish.
The passion:
Passion is the fuel that drives. Passion is also what attracts people and resources they need to succeed.
Passion is magnetic. Desire is the metaphysical equivalent of gravity. He attracts the elements you need to succeed. Passionate people attract followers and supporters. Winners are passionate! ! ! ! !
You’ve heard it before. He has read many times. Each teacher training staff says … You must have written specific goals and a step by step plan to adopt these goals.
Every business needs a business plan. Your life needs a plan. You must create. As Ben Franklin said, “Failing to plan is planning to fail.” Winners have a game plan. Losers are spectators and armchair rooms. Do you have written goals?
Does it have a specific game plan?
It is persistence that creates winners. It takes resolve to reach the top.
There will be obstacles in your way and obstacles to its success. The losers are left by these barriers. Winners used to build strength and / or learn a better way to do something. I see all the time … people quit just before the finish line. Lose focus and direction.
The winners remain. The losers are removed.
Ask yourself this question: “Why have not had any peace, happiness, success and satisfaction I desire”
If you blame any condition, circumstance, event, person or external thing, then you are a loser. Winners accept responsibility. Losers assessing blame.
A step up to the plate and accept responsibility for your life and you will become the winner want to be sincere in their secret moments. The wonderful part of accepting responsibility for their failures is also coming to accept responsibility for its success. You do not have to say that luck or blessed or had the right breaks … you can say, “I did.”
The words we speak and the way they speak say a lot about you. They tell the world what you think, what you think, where I was, who you hang out and where it is likely to end.
Below average people talk about other people; average people talk about events and circumstances. above the common people (winners) talk about ideas and ideals (especially their own).
The winners say what they think and what they say. Losers say what they think to please others or repeat what they said.
And yes, actions speak louder than words. The things you do reflect their character.
Most people tend to do what most others, a sort of willful ignorance of the simple fact that most people live mediocre lives and never achieve the success they had idealized for themselves. Actions produces results.
If you want extraordinary results, it should undertake to act exceptionally on purpose, intent, with responsibility, with perseverance, with determination, with passion and according to their plan.
Do what you love. Do what you want.
Birds of a feather do flock together.
If you want to be a winner, hang out with winners. Create your own mastermind group. “Try to be involved with people who are smarter than you are, the more success you have great aspirations you. If you can not do it in person, read their books or read their biographies or visit their websites.
Losers like to hang out with other losers, not only because misery loves company, but because their self-esteem is not threatened by their peers. If you can find a way to love yourself enough to always have a high level of self-esteem, then you will not have to compare with others.
Winners believe in themselves. Losers believe in the world around them.
So now you know my secret to being able to predict the future. All you need to know about a person is:

1- Who are hung with,

2- What they do every day,

3- The way they talk and what they say,

4. Whether or not assume responsibility or assess blame,

5- Whether or not willing (the stick-to-it-tive-ness) to overcome obstacles,

6- If you have a plan for life,

7- The passion for life and his plans,

8- A goal of houses own design,

9- If they act intentionally or reaction, and,

10- What is your general attitude to life and from them.
Now that you know, not me, reader or gypsy tea leaf is necessary to predict its future.
The good news is that large, if discovered, through this self-analysis, you do not have these 10 necessary characteristics of winners, you can change the way you are and what you do. So it is … your destiny is yours, by design or default. It is for you to decide.

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